This policy is intended to ensure compliance with the requirements of the B.C. Personal Information Protection Act (the “Act”) and adherence to the principles set out in the National Standard of Canada entitled Model Code for the Protection of Personal Information.
Collection, Use, And Disclosure of Personal Information
We shall only collect, use, or disclose personal information when the individual’s consent has been obtained, or when the Act allows the collection, use, or disclosure without the individual’s consent, or when the Act deems the consent to have been given by the individual.
As a condition of supplying a product or service, we shall only require an individual to consent to our collection, use, or disclosure of personal information when that collection, use, or disclosure is reasonably necessary to provide a product or service.
On this website, we collect demographic data from Google’s Interest-based advertising with Google Analytics. Visitors can opt out of Google Analytics for Display Advertising and customize Google Display Network ads using the Ads Settings.
Use and Disclosure of Personal Information
We shall only use or disclose personal information for purposes that are reasonably appropriate in the circumstances and fulfill the purposes for which the personal information was collected or otherwise permitted by the Act.
When required by the Act we shall provide to an individual, upon request of the individual: that individual’s personal information which is under our control; details about how the individual’s personal information is being used by us; and details about the individuals and organizations to whom the individual’s personal information has been disclosed.
When required by the Act, we shall correct an error or omission in the individual’s personal information and send the corrected personal information to each individual or organization to whom the individual’s personal information was disclosed in the previous one year period. If we do not change the personal information as a result of a request we shall make a notation that a change was requested.
Golf Kelowna Disclaimer
You agree that use of our services is at your own risk. Golf Kelowna provides content, including but not limited to referrals to and sales of third party products and services, on an “as is” basis and without any representations, warranties, covenants or conditions of any kind, whether express or implied, and including, without limitation, as to the accuracy, completeness and suitability of any and all information, products and services provided, and as to any third party licensing, third party liability for any personal injury or other loss damage and expense, and the provision of or adequacy of any third party liability or other insurance, and including the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, all of which are hereby fully disclaimed by Golf Kelowna to the fullest extent permitted by law. You agree to undertake your own independent investigation and review of any and all information, products and/or services provided by Golf Kelowna and/or any third party products and services provider as you deem appropriate and to satisfy yourself to the extent you require as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability of any and all information, products and services provided, and including without limitation as to any third party licensing, third party liability for any personal injury or other loss damage and expense, and the provision of or adequacy of any third party liability insurance, and including the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, which you hereby acknowledge and agree are hereby disclaimed by Golf Kelowna.