Beat the Heat
Golfing after 1pm when the temperatures soar brings a unique set of challenges to your game. Kelowna golf regulars have all kinds of tips to help you enjoy a round in the Okanagan heat. Please golf smart.
- Wait in the shade when possible.
- Wear a hat.
- Don’t forget your sunglasses.
- Apply sunscreen and fully re-apply after 9 holes.
- Choose loose, light-colored clothing made of moisture-wicking material.
- Bring a cloth towel to wipe down your hands or to use on the back of your neck to cool down.
- Bring two golf gloves.
- Eat light, but eat nonetheless to keep your energy up.
- Be careful with caffeine and alcohol.
- Stay hydrated!!
- Watch out for your golfing partners and stay safe.
Please respect the golf courses, as the heat is hard on them too!
Our clubhouses are a perfect spot for some after-round cold beverages and a snack. We have some of the best views in the Okanagan, and of course, air conditioning.