Get Back Into The Swing of Things: 3 Tips For Starting The Golf Season

Come Back Ready

As the winter season comes to an end, we know you are all eager to start the 2024 golfing season. For some of you, the return to golf will be easy as you’ve been keeping loose and working on your swing in the simulator over the winter. However, if you have taken a break from golf this winter, it’s important to remember that getting back to golfing after a long break can be challenging, both physically and mentally. To help make the transition smoother, we’ve compiled a list of tips to get back to the top of your game at the start of the season.

1.Stretch and Warm Up

This one may seem like a no brainer, but when you haven’t golfed in months it’s hard not to head straight to the tee and get your round started right away. However, after a long break your muscles and joints may be stiff and unresponsive. So, start with some light warmup exercises and gentle stretches to loosen up and get your blood flowing. Follow that up with a few practice swings and some light putting to help prepare your body for the game.

Pictured below is one of our favourite stretches for golf to loosen up the hips and lower back. Simply place your opposite leg across the other knee while using your golf club to help balance. Bend your load bearing leg gently while slowly driving your other knee towards the ground. You should feel this stretch in your hip, glutes, and lower back. Remember, before you start your golf stretches, it is imperative to warm up with 10 minutes of light activity, such as walking around the practice tee. If you stretch your muscles while they’re cold you may damage the muscle fibre and put yourself more at risk for injury.

2. Focus on Your Short Game

Your short game is what low scores depend on. The “scoring” range within 100 yards is the most important in golf, as that 300 yard drive is useless if you don’t get a green in regulation and 2 putt. After a long break from the game it may take some time to get the feel for your swing back, so remember to take your time on shots around the green and hit the practice green so you can make your putting and chipping the strongest part of your game.

3. Be Patient and Have Realistic Expectations

It’s important to be patient and have realistic expectations when returning to golf. You may not hit it as well as last summer right away, but that’s okay! The best golfers in the world can shoot a score of 65 on day, then 80 the next and they practice every single day. Over the course of the season, your mind can become consumed with swing thoughts, negative thoughts, and the stress of everyday life. Take as deep breath, enjoy being on the course again, and start off the season with a clear mind- don’t worry about your score!

Getting back into golfing after a long break can be challenging, but with these tips, you can make the transition smoother. Remember to stretch and warm up, focus on your short game, and be patient. With these tips, you’ll be back to golfing like a pro in no time!

Golf Kelowna courses are ready to welcome you this spring. Click here to speak with a travel expert and start planning your golf getaway today!

Come see for yourself.