Hole #7 at Mission Creek
Mission Creek Golf Course is a mature, mid-length 18-hole golf course located in the heart of Kelowna bordering the Mission Creek Greenway. Measuring 3,873 yards, this Par 61 features 11 par 3 holes with staggered tee blocks that will make a round either challenging for more advanced golfers, or kind to the novice golfer. Hole number 7 provides a risk/reward opportunity with a tree-lined 277-yard par 4 and can highlight a round with a tranquil walk down the fairway and approach to a small green.
To Go for It or To Lay Up
It is the age-old question in golf: should you attack a drivable par 4 by going for the green, or play conservative by laying up? This decision is presented to you on the tee at Hole 7 at Mission Creek. At 277 yards, a driver or fairway wood can reach the green in 1, leaving a putt or short chip shot. However, to attack the green, you must shape the shot from left to right as the fairway has a gentle dogleg right. A more conservative approach takes your most reliable iron in the bag and lays up anywhere in the fairway past 150 yards.
Whatever shot you choose off of the tee on hole 7, it is a great opportunity to make birdie and head into the finishing holes of the front 9 with some momentum. Scoring on all par 3s may be difficult, so consider going for the green and gaining some strokes on this hole.
Hole #7 – 277 yards Par 4
Golf Kelowna Packages
Don’t miss your chance to experience this incredible hole. When you are looking to travel, make sure to contact our Golf Travel Specialists and start planning a personalized golf package!